As what I said before, I will discuss more detail about liposuction. Liposuction can be categorized into 2 main parts, they are:
- Liposuction operation
- Liposuction is an operation to take the fat under the skin, and it is done to have ideal body shape, not to reduce the weight. This operation is done by making some 3 milimetres slices which will be used to put the Cannula which is connected with the pump (vacuum). These slices will be sewed again after the procedure is done.
- Tummy-Tuck
- Tummy-Tuck is a process of reducing the redundant fatty tissus, and the outer skin on it (the fat) to form an aesthetic body. Tummy tuck is done by making a quite wide slice in the lower part of the tummy tuck, the stomach is released by making a partition between the skin and the fat, and then the stomach muscle will be pulled to make the stomach become more tighten. The redundant fat and skin will be thrown away. After the procedure is done, the slice will be sewed again.
Liposuction operation is not a right way to reduce the weight if we don’t change the way we eat. Liposuction also have several risks, example: haemorrhaging, infection and anesthetization reaction.
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